Wednesday, November 13, 2019

My Philosophy on Life Essay -- Philosophical Life Essays

My Philosophy on Life Do you ever wonder why you are put into situations that you don’t know how to deal with? Would it disappear if you just closed your eyes to the many lights that life produces? Well most cases it doesn’t, the light is shining in your eyes like the sun and you have to deal with it. Sometimes I wonder why I act the way I do, and why I have to deal with situations that aren’t always the most comforting. You think you have something, but you realize that you have nothing on that one piece of life’s puzzle. When you sit down to think in silence about the world revolving around you, you realize that piece is near you. However, it is not close enough to grab with your hand or heart. You want to react with your mind, but your heart seers you in other directions that you weren’t ready for. When you think that you have found that perfect piece to complete the puzzle, you second-guess yourself about it. Is it really the prefect piece that will make the puzzle stronger, or are there other pieces that are better? Your mind runs faster than you can handle and it makes you think about the other pieces in the puzzle. Are the other pieces going to slowly come apart too or are they glued together and stable? You wonder that maybe-other pieces the perfect ones either, which gives you even more questions. Then you look at every piece individually and see how those pieces make you happy or sad. That one piece that brings you joy everyday knowing that it will be with you indefinitely. You dream at night about that one piece because you know it is the perfect piece to the puzzle that you can rely on. There are many pieces that allow ones mind to question, but you seem to glue that one piece into the puzzle. Some days the pieces all fit together, but other days, most pieces are scattered among others. One day brings hope, joy, confidence and happiness, but the next moment, it brings sadness, hopelessness, and loneliness. It takes time to find these p ieces to build the puzzle back to stability, but you find it easier to just forget about those negative pieces, You look back on those pieces, the good and the bad and sometimes wonder if you could have them back for just one day. You miss what those pieces brought to your life when they were positive, and tend to forget why they wondered away. Once you remember, you question your judgement. Life is full of many... ... change it. The problem is, you can’t change it no matter how tight you close your eyes and hope. Face problems as they occur, you cannot run from any problem, no matter how major or minor it may be. Where ever you run, the problem is following you, and can’t disappear until you deal with it. Open your eyes to what is going on now, and make the best of every situation. Your conscious follows you in your dreams and will never let you forget what has happened, it is always in the back of your mind. Never go to bed angry because the problem will be there when you wake up. You may lose sleep over the problem, because you constantly think about how you could have changed things or what you could have done different. Do you ever realize that you think of something better to say or better to do after you do it? This is because sometimes you react without fully thinking about the situation. You use your mind instead of your heart sometimes. Your mind gives you a quick react ion on what to do, which may not always be the best. The heart tells you the true thing to do, and lets you know when you were wrong. It examines the situation to the fullest and decides what is the right thing to do.

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