Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Albert Einstein essays

Albert Einstein essays Surely nearly everyone has heard of Albert Einstein. He was known for the large contributions he made in the field of science, of which he spent most of his life developing. He formulated the infamous theory of relativity and mentally and mathematically explored the universe. Albert had all but a normal life, only in part due to his capabilities. Born into a Jewish home in Ulm, Germany in 1879 to parents Herman and Pauline Einstein, Einstein lived in a home where his parents maintained an atmosphere of modest well being (Groves Internet). Einstein started learning mathematics from his uncle whom visited periodically, but when he was old enough to go to school, his parents put him in a Catholic school because of the distance to a Jewish school. At school he was faced with historical information and facts that he found to be irrelevant. He often asked questions like what would happen if a man were to try and capture a ray of light? but the teachers were pestered by questions like these. When Einstein was only 15, his family had moved to Milan, Italy, but Einstein stayed to try and get into the prestigious Eidgenossische Technische Hoschule in Zurich, but unfortunately, he did not get in (Forsee 14) .He soon attended another school in Aarau to meet the credentials to get in to ETH, which he finally did. While there, he met Marcel Grossman, a friend of whom he became very close to over the years (Groves Internet). After graduating, Einstein was left searching for a job. Grossmans father recommended him to a school in Winterthur, where he held a temporary post as a mathematics teacher(Groves Internet). He later resorted to getting a job at Mr. Grossmans patent office. While there, Einstein had plenty of time to formulate theories and in turn, write several theoretical physics publications. From these papers, he got a Doctorate from the University of Zurich in 1905(Groves Internet). ...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

What is Foreshadowingâ€Definition and 10 Gripping Examples

What is Foreshadowings What is Foreshadowing? Plus 10 Gripping Ways to Foreshadow Foreshadowing is a literary device in which an author gives readers hints about what will happen later in the story. Foreshadowing is often used in the early stages of a novel or at the start of a chapter, as it can subtlety create tension and set readers' expectations regarding how the story will unfold. For instance, a mystery novel might use foreshadowing in an early chapter by mentioning something that seems inconsequential - but is actually a clue...By the end of this article, writers will know the secret to crafting gripping page-turners. See? You know something is about to happen, but you don’t yet know how it will come about - and it’s the â€Å"how† that matters. The â€Å"how† is what bridges the beginning to the end or, in this case, the introduction to the conclusion. The â€Å"how† is the information that readers want, and foreshadowing promises to eventually give it to them.Now that we’ve hopefully piqued your interest with ou r own dose of foreshadowing, let’s talk about why this literary device is such a key tool in an author’s arsenal. Types of foreshadowingThere are as many ways to foreshadow as there are stories to tell, so the possibilities are endless. But head to the library and you’ll likely find two broad categories of foretelling in novels: direct and indirect.Direct foreshadowing occurs when an outcome is directly hinted at or indicated. It gives readers a nugget of information, prompting them to want more.Indirect foreshadowing occurs when an outcome is indirectly hinted at or indicted. It subtly nods at a future event, but is typically only apparent to readers after that outcome or event has occurred.Pretty straightforward, right? Now let’s see a few examples of the former in action. What is foreshadowing? Plus 10 gripping ways to foreshadow Direct foreshadowing examples1) The NarratorWe witnessed this example in the introduction of this very post. In a nutshell: the person telling the story provides readers with key information, but leaves out context or other details.Take this opening line from Lauren Oliver’s Before I Fall:â€Å"They say that just before you die your whole life flashes before your eyes, but that’s not how it happened for me.†What we know: The narrator is dead. What we want to know:  How did they die?The key to this kind of foretelling is that it needs to include information that is, well, key to the story. What it must leave out is how it’s key to the story. Think of it as a personal invitation from the narrator to the reader to keep reading.2) The Pre-SceneA gift shared among people who have the uncanny ability to predict the endings of stories is an eye for the â€Å"pre-scene.†These scenes show something that will play an important role in the future - and they usually play out as a brief, toned-down version of the main event.For example, in the first half of Of Mice and Men, Carlson is convinced that an old dog should be put down so that it can have a quick death and end to its suffering. He complies, ensuring the process is as painless as possible, prompting Candy to confide in George:â€Å"I oughtta of shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn't oughtta of let no stranger shoot my dog.†What we know: The dog’s death is important. What we want to know:  Why is this significant and when will we find out?At the end of the novel, when a murderous lynch mob are on the hunt for Lennie, George begins talking to Lennie about the farm they will one day own, painting a peaceful picture. Then, in a scene that echoes Carlson’s putting an end to the dog’s suffering, George kills Lennie - believing it’s much more merciful to go at the hands of a friend.3) The Name DropIf someone told you, â€Å"Tomorrow I’m going to my friend’s house,† you likely wouldn’t think much of it. But if someone told you, â€Å"Tomorrow I’m going to Reedsy Mansion,† you’d probably want to know more.Similarly, by casually name dropping a place, thing, or person in your story, you signify to readers that this entity is important.See this example in action in the first installment of The Hunger Games:â€Å"When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold. My fingers stretch out, seeking Prim’s warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of the mattress. She must have had bad dreams and climbed in with our mother. Of course, she did. This is the day of the reaping.†What we know: Something called the reaping is about to happen, and it’s nightmare-inducing. What we want to know:  Well, what is the reaping? What are some of your favorite examples of direct foreshadowing? Which instances of indirect foreshadowing went over your head but made resounding sense at the end? Leave us your thoughts or questions in the comments below!