Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Albert Einstein essays

Albert Einstein essays Surely nearly everyone has heard of Albert Einstein. He was known for the large contributions he made in the field of science, of which he spent most of his life developing. He formulated the infamous theory of relativity and mentally and mathematically explored the universe. Albert had all but a normal life, only in part due to his capabilities. Born into a Jewish home in Ulm, Germany in 1879 to parents Herman and Pauline Einstein, Einstein lived in a home where his parents maintained an atmosphere of modest well being (Groves Internet). Einstein started learning mathematics from his uncle whom visited periodically, but when he was old enough to go to school, his parents put him in a Catholic school because of the distance to a Jewish school. At school he was faced with historical information and facts that he found to be irrelevant. He often asked questions like what would happen if a man were to try and capture a ray of light? but the teachers were pestered by questions like these. When Einstein was only 15, his family had moved to Milan, Italy, but Einstein stayed to try and get into the prestigious Eidgenossische Technische Hoschule in Zurich, but unfortunately, he did not get in (Forsee 14) .He soon attended another school in Aarau to meet the credentials to get in to ETH, which he finally did. While there, he met Marcel Grossman, a friend of whom he became very close to over the years (Groves Internet). After graduating, Einstein was left searching for a job. Grossmans father recommended him to a school in Winterthur, where he held a temporary post as a mathematics teacher(Groves Internet). He later resorted to getting a job at Mr. Grossmans patent office. While there, Einstein had plenty of time to formulate theories and in turn, write several theoretical physics publications. From these papers, he got a Doctorate from the University of Zurich in 1905(Groves Internet). ...

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